How to Interview Someone for a Job – Step-by-step Guide 

In the recruitment lifecycle knowing how to interview potential candidates is a fundamental skill to learn. The interview process takes place after you have either shortlisted qualifying candidates who have applied to your applicant tracking system for your roles. Or you have sourced candidates that meet the criteria of the job you are looking to …
There are career centers and networking groups all over advising us to perfect our elevator speech. Armed with this advice, many get busy writing and practicing (well, maybe practicing) their 30 or 45 or 60 second commercial. Once the speech is perfected off you go to your networking event, conference or career fair ready to make connections.
Fall is full of great things including the beautiful scenery brought by the changing leaves and joys of trick or tricking with the kids while they are still young enough to find magic in a big bag of "free" candy. For those of us in HR and Recruiting, fall brings the season of college career fairs. And just like the stores preparing for their "back to school" revenue, recruiters are preparing to find the best and the brightest. So are the best and brightest preparing for us? Are they getting ready to find their start in a great career? I am sure that many of them are doing just that; and these are the ones recruiters will be thrilled to meet at their local career fair. However, my guess is that there will still be hundreds of them that can check at least some of the things on the following list.
Turnover is a huge concern for many HR professionals. One of the key steps an organization can take to reduce this during one’s first year is to develop an effective on-boarding program. Below are a few tips to get your started.
Hopefully by now, you have heard or read enough advice to know that giving me your job description doesn't tell me what I want to know. I need to know what did, how your did, what were you able to accomplish. I need verbs, actions, and results. Simple as that. Sure if you want to list on your resume that you were "employee of the month" that is great, but what I really care about is what you did to earn that recognition and why it was important in your role. If you can give me that in a concise way on your resume, even better. If not, I am going to ask you if you make it to the interview, so be prepared to give the details.
What was I doing trolling the Recruit Military Opportunity Expo? It never hurts to see what is out there and to network. For me, I had a different plan, but the networking is always a good idea. I’m always open to new opportunities. You never know when a gem of an opportunity comes your way. …
Are interested in working in Netflix? Do you think that talent is your number one priority in HR? Then you shouldn't apply at Netflix. In a current job posting on their website, Netflix clearly spells out what they are and are not looking for in a Director-HR. The message is short and doesn't mention anything about company benefits or essential functions. But, it is effective. It is to the point and my guess is that it will weed out a number of candidates that don't fit.
This is all about you, me and everyone who works or has worked for someone else. Employee orientation is the most propitious time a company has for training. Think back to those glorious days when you were fresh, hyper-energetic (not hypo-allergenic, that’s different), sharp, and couldn’t wait to get started. Your day went down from …